Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945

Statue at the Peace Park, Nakasaki-City

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The book on Faslane 365 ( a year long blockade of Nuke base) is published on Aug.1 2008

Trident Ploughshares
Campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a non-violent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.

In this directory you can find photographs and paintings which testifies the disasters of atomic bomb dropped to the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. These Images are sanned from the picture-postcards publised years ago by the Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union. (These postcards are not availalble now.) Mirroring of these pages is welcome.

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to the japanese page

to the original prints by Mr. Yoshito Matsushige

To download large images, click on the thumnails or filenames(xxx.jpg).

burnedfield.jpg .... or high quality version

Burn razed field 1,200 meters south of the hypocenter seen from the roof of the Higashi Police Office, Hiroshima.

bomb2.jpg.... or high quality version

About 70,000 people were killed by the intensive blast and radiation of the plutonium bomb which exploded over Nagasaki City, August 9, 1945.
NagasakiHosp.jpg.... or high quality version

More than 1,000 people, including doctors, nurses, students and patients were killed at the Hospital of the Nagasaki University of Medicine.
hypocenter.jpg.... or high quality version

Looking the disastrous scene at the hypocenter of Nagasaki from the Hospital of the Nagasaki University of Medicine 700 meters south east of the center.
cathedral.jpg.... or high quality version

The staues of the Madonna and John the Apostle stand at the ruins, southern entrance to the Urakami Cathedral.
ruins.jpg.... or high quality version

Looking north from the hypocenter of Hiroshima. Ruins of the Shima Surgery Hospital at the hypocenter (left) and the Toorii of the Gokoku Shrine (right).
bomb1.jpg.... or high quality version

The atomic bomb exploded over Hiroshima City on August 6, 1945.
Dome.jpg.... or high quality version

The city of Hiroshima was reduced to ashes. The then Hiroshima Prefectural Building for Promotion of Industry has been preserved as the "Atomic Bombed Dome".
shadow.jpg.... or high quality version

A person who sat on the step evaporated, only leaving the shadow.
Shot of the same place by Yoshito Matsushige
parapets.jpg.... or high quality version

The thermic rays. The shadows of the parapets were imprinted on the road surface of the Yorozuyo Bridge in Hiroshima.

to sites containing A-bomb related docs
       Nagasaki University
       The City of Hiroshima

other war-related photographs in this server
Japan's aggression
Peace education in a math classroom)

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