The Fundamental Law of Education.

March 31,1947


Source: General Headquarters, SCAP, CIE, Education in the New Japan,
vol. 2 (Tokyo, 1948), pp. 109-111.. ( From Japanese Education Since 1945)

Having established the Constitution of Japan, we have shown our resolution to contribute to the world and welfare of humanity by building a democratic and cultural state. The realization of this idea shall depend fundamentally on the power of education.

We shall esteem individual dignity and endeavor to bring up the people who love truth and peace, while education aimed at the creation of culture, general and rich in individuality, shall be spread far and wide.

We hereby enact this Law, in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution of Japan, with a view to clarifying the aim of education and establishing the aim of education and establishing the foundation of education for new Japan.

Article 1. Aim of Education

Education shall aim at the full development of personality, striving for the rearing of the people, sound in mind and body, who shall love truth and justice, esteem individual value, respect labor and have a deep sense of responsibility, and be imbued with the independent spirit, as builders of peaceful state and society.

Article 2. Educational principle

The aim of education shall realized on all occasions and in all places. In order to achieve the aim, we shall endeavor to contribute to the creation and development of culture by mutual esteem and cooperation, respecting academic freedom, having a regard to actual life and cultivating a spontaneous spirit.

Article 3. Equal Opportunity of Education.

The people shall all be given equal opportunities of receiving education according to their ability, and they shall not be subject to educational discrimination on account of race, creed, sex, social status, economic position, or family origin. The state and local public corporations shall take measures to give financial assistance to those who have, in spite of their ability, difficulty in receiving education for economic reasons.

Article 4. Compulsory Education

The people shall be obligated to have boys and girls under their protection receive nine years' general education.

No tuition fee shall be charged for general education in schools established by the state and local bodies.

Article 5. Coeducation

Men and women shall esteem and cooperate with each other.

Coeducation, therefore, shall be recognized in education.

Article 6. School education

The schools prescribed by law shall be of public nature and, besides the state and local bodies, only the juridical persons prescribed by shall be entitled to establish such schools.

Teachers of the schools prescribed by law shall be servants of the whole community. They shall be conscious of their mission and endeavor to discharge their duties. For this purpose, the status of teachers shall be respected and their fair and appropriate treatment shall be secured.

Article 7. Social Education

The state and local bodies shall encourage home education and education carried out in places of work or elsewhere in society.

The state and local bodies shall endeavor to attain the aim of education by the establishment of such institutions and as libraries, museums, citizens' public halls, et cetera, by the utilization of school institutions, and by other appropriate methods.

Article 8. Political Education

The political knowledge necessary for intelligent citizenship shall be valued in education.

The schools prescribed by law shall refrain from political education or other political activities for against any political party.

Article 9. Religious Education

The attitude of religious tolerance and the position of religion in the social life shall be valued in education.

The schools established by the state and local public bodies shall refrain from religious education or the activities for specified religion.

Article 10. School Administration

Education shall not be subject to improper control, but shall be directly responsible to the whole people.

School administration shall, on the basics of this realization, aim at the adjustment and establishment of the various conditions required for the pursuit of the aim of education.

Article 11. Additional Rule

In case of necessity appropriate laws shall be enacted to carry the foregoing stipulations into effect.

Supplementary Provision:

This present law shall come into force as from the date of its promulgation.