
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 11:50:24 +0100
From: Reforest The Earth <reforest@gn.apc.org>
Subject: Invitation to come to Faslane

Dear Japanese Friends,

I am sorry I have not written to all of you directly since I arrived home after visiting Japan and meeting you. I have been extremely busy (as you all are) keeping up the pressure on our Government for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Although it is good that the nuclear powers have all agreed to get rid of their nuclear weapons at the recent NPT Review Conference in New York, nevertheless there are no timelines and the political and protest pressure must continue. The UK Government is still investing heavily in a modernisation/replacement for Trident and still says it relies on the nuclear deterrent and so there is no certainty that they will fulfill their promises in the near future.

You will recall that I invited you to come over for our Trident Ploughshares disarmament camp at Faslane and Coulport in Scotland starting on August 1st? There was some interest expressed by several of you, including some teachers and University Professors and I am interested to know if any of you will be able to come after all? I will need to know very soon so I can make arrangements for accomodation for all who do not like camping and also to arrange press and a public reception etc. You are welcome just to turn up but maybe some of you would like to formally join our campaign as Pledgers?

If any of you do want to do the two-day workshop on nonviolence and become a Trident Ploughshares Pledger, M* (a Japanese volunteer who speaks English fluently)is willing to come over from Tokyo to the UK early and take a trainers training and then facilitate the 2 day-workshop so that it can be in Japanese rather that have to be translated from English. But we need to know how many of you want to do this. We could arrange this workshop for the last few days of July and then you could join in the Blockade of Faslane on the 1st August and perhaps stay for a part of the Disarmament Camp and the Hiroshima memorial witness at Faslane before leaving.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested and able to come. Let me know if you want any further information and please pass this invitation on as soon as possible to friends and contacts who are not on email.

In peace and love, Angie.

PS. Our website is www.gn.apc.org/tp2000/

Angie Zelter,
Valley Farmhouse,
East Runton, Cromer,
NR27 9PN.

Tel:- (0)1263-512049
e-mail reforest@gn.apc.org


* Name is omitted here.